Meadow birds can't be ignored from the Dutch landscape, but the numbers are decreasing. Thanks to good nature management, much can still be gained here and that starts with good knowledge.

Many farmers, and nature lovers actively search for nesting meadow birds, mark them and map them. They often only see the meadow birds and their nests. The breeding cycle is not visible to many, however, this is the best phase to observe. Because, what happens in and around the nesting area and how do the parents know how to raise their chicks?

Astrid Kant gives you a glimpse about this. She likes to show the hatching cycle, so farmers and nature lovers alike are aware of this. To capture the activity of our meadow birds, Astrid has been using her telephoto lens for almost 30 years in her home-made hiding hut, placed between the meadow birds. From the hiding hut she is able to closely capture the breeding behaviour of the meadow birds, which helps educate farmers and nature lovers alike understand the importance of protecting meadow birds.

Astrid Kant is a meadow bird protector in her heart and soul. This is expressed during her many lectures and her beautiful book "meadow birds".

Let's hope that this will be a source of inspiration for many people and lowers the threshold to give these native Dutch birds the protection they deserve.

Use of photos or articles from this website is not permitted without prior contact with Astrid
The copyright lies entirely with the photographer.


Astrid Kant Weidevogels, E-mail: Dit e-mailadres wordt beveiligd tegen spambots. JavaScript dient ingeschakeld te zijn om het te bekijken.